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大家在看这游戏也太真实了 四合院:原本只想当个小透明 绝世唐门:开局神二代,这怎么输 诡秘:阿卡纳战争 我家娘子,不对劲 木叶:这个宇智波非常苟 穿到明朝考科举 迪迦世界当先知 临界爵迹续 全职法师之冰魂 
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第一百二十四章 春绿

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The river often overflows, and the rainy season is always warm,

My friends like to catch fish,

Autumn is a mature day with yellow and red leaves

It's like missing in a fairy tale, covering the earth gently.

There are traces of bicycles running over the ramp,

There are fireflies in autumn, and there are countless stars.

Despite the TV and radio,

Adults prefer to sit outside and chat.

Yes, this is what I am describing now. The reason why I still want to recall it is that it is being abandoned by the times.

Those simple things that are green, fresh, lively and casual, and do not need literature and art to repeat, are gradually replaced by some plicated and boring things,

Maybe memories often forget the content of bad mood,

But our original happiness, indeed

The truth is based on that

It is a primitive village full of birds and flowers.

If it can also be copied and restored,

I'm not going to write this to try to satirize.

Children will not lose the happiness of imagination,

With a sharp brush, to carve those who have no feelings

There is no so-called art of color,

Cars shuttle through crowded cities,

Life, but abandon the original freedom.)


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站内强推十日终焉 我不是戏神 烟雨楼 超神机械师 大奉打更人 四合院:我有一个小世界 大主宰 风水之王 天灾第十年跟我去种田 大明国师 仙父 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 都重生了谁谈恋爱啊 北宋:我成了赵佶 重生之都市狂仙 全球冰封:我打造了末日安全屋 从斗破开始的万界冒险 赤心巡天 元尊 穿成最后一只九尾狐 
经典收藏红警:我的油田我的矿 亚人娘补完手册 斗罗v:开局抽取青龙武魂,吊打唐三抢小舞 斗罗:重生十首烈阳蛇,多子多福 绝世唐门:开局神二代,这怎么输 残阳帝国 流浪者舰娘 在美漫当心灵导师的日子 盗墓从黄皮子坟开始 谍战:从军统崛起 柯南之7岁小孩是黑客 分身诸天之我靠我自己 斗罗:开局扮演李白,指点尘心 斗罗之我千仞雪要做女帝 斗罗:我是僵尸,我为植物代言! 斗罗:开局召唤雷电将军 人在斗罗,励志成为海神阁阁主 无限轮回荣光 海贼:冥王哈迪斯! 斗罗2:我穿成了霍雨浩的亲妹妹 
最近更新【景零】蜂蜜陷阱就要下给幼驯染 被发癫前男友强制爱了 拿瓦:开局攻略马灵灵 李金桂来如懿传治癔症 权谋风暴:女神的商战传奇 鬼灭:炎柱继子变成了鬼 开心宝贝之灵嘟岛传奇 维纳斯耶的新书 精灵:从被猎人联盟追杀开始 把蓝忘机和魏无羡拐进高中后 少爷你冷静,我真是正经陪读啊! HP:卷王造就和谐社会 四合院之逆天金手指 叶罗丽:水王子 蔚蓝档案重新的故事 穿越万界,成就世界之龙 365个儿童故事:智慧百宝箱 哆啦a梦:高中的大雄 龙珠:穿越后的我是最强单体战士 女尊星铁:满级魅力,面见银狼 
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