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大家在看重生飞扬年代 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 我老婆是导演 想当神医被告,果断转行做兽医 重生60年代,开局就上山下乡 奶爸:天降萌娃,美女明星找上门 桃源妖孽小村医 你跑不过我吧 半岛的悠闲时光 高武归来变成了四合院的邻居 
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"A woman, I have e to return the car." He Yuzhu opened the door and pushed an old man's bicycle in, followed by Yang Xue.

An aunt did not look at him, a pair of eyes staring at Yang Xue, then kindly ran over and took her hand, "You are the little snow, really beautiful, pillars can be really lucky."

He Yuzhu rolled his eyes, I am also a handsome guy.

"Xiao Xue, you call an old lady, I borrow the car when we tell an old man, an old lady, they are my elders, good for me."

Yang Xue called out shyly, "a aunt good."

"Oh, good, little snow sit down, the journey must be difficult, e and have a cup of tea." An old woman has been pulling Yang Xue, afraid she ran away.

He Yuzhu blushed.

"Ok, an aunt you don't busy, I am ready to send back small snow, his little uncle is still waiting at home, too late is not good."

An old lady is a little disappointed, "so say also right, can't let people wait for a long time, or it should say we don't understand the etiquette, then you quickly send the light snow back."

Looking at the back of two people, an aunt eyes are red, mumbling: "The pillar also grew up, sensible, soon to get married, really happy for him."

He Yuzhu moved the tiger bone wine into the room, casually put it under the bed, ready to e back to receive the space.

He Yuzhu locked the door and glanced at Jia's house. There was no one there. Maybe the old godmother had gone out to visit him.

He took no notice and walked to his uncle's house with the little snow.

"You go in. It's not right for me to go now. In a couple of days, I'll e here and walk around with an old man.

Yang Xue nodded and walked into the house three times.

He Yuzhu did not think much, riding to the rolling mill.

Yang Xue Xiao uncle, aunt is also very anxious, also do not know what happened in Yang Xue's home, with the two people did not agree.



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站内强推十日终焉 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 道界天下 仙人消失之后 仙父 大主宰 天灾第十年跟我去种田 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 瀚海唐儿归 明尊 大明国师 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 网游:我召唤的骷髅全是位面之子? 帝御无疆 征服天国之曙光时代 快穿:炮灰男配不走剧情 吞噬星空之亿载岁月 大国院士 邻家美姨 封神之清平游记 
经典收藏我在非洲当酋长 从急诊科医生到最强全职国医 重生1984:从开发汉卡开始 穿越综影:从做家教老师开始 超级军火商 斩神,从打劫sss级轮回眼开始 从军火商到战争之王 机娘世界,校花女友一碰就炸 高武:顿悟亿点点 从小欢喜开始的综影人生 军火大亨到战争之王 乡野小神医:村花秘密曝光了! 开局白丝校花,榜一大哥请让让 高武归来变成了四合院的邻居 兽娘:开局契约校花妈妈 开局人工智能,我成了世界首富 重生九零年代,人工智能带我飞 娱乐让你拍电影,没让你文化霸权 学霸造人工智能,被校花曝光了 股道人生 
最近更新我的傻妈是哑巴 特警荣耀 我身价上百亿,你让我打职业? 三界穿梭,倒卖物资发了家 冥路归来的仙人 我的异能寻宝人生 师韵乡隅 中二腹黑学长是现代最强 虚拟现实:都市降临 草原装杯如风,唯我疣猪蓬蓬 一级双御兽,全是神兽娘 我的爱一生只有你 别叠被动了,你战力都破万亿了 我一个高中生手砍神话生物 人在高武,从被校花强吻开始无敌 异能太废物,抱歉,我身体有诡异 嘿!外星人你好! 少年沧桑 帅瞎子,别再祸害咱们村了! 是你提的分手,摆摊后又来求我? 
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