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Preparation before and after marriage

A necessary dowry for women

Before marriage, the man gives the woman some money to buy a dowry. Depending on the family's economic conditions, he can give the woman three to five thousand yuan at once, and regardless of how much money she receives from the man, these things must be allocated. One large wardrobe or bination cabinet, one table, four chairs, one b table, one food cabinet, one washbasin rack, two large wooden cases, one small wooden case or leather case (similar to the larger travel case at present), two hot water bottles, cups and toothbrushes, aluminum pots for boiling water, pressure cooker and other daily necessities, four quilts and a pair of pillows. Those with good family conditions will be equipped with a men's bicycle, a sewing machine, a black and white TV set, an electric fan, etc. In fact, no matter how much money the man gives the woman, the woman's parents basically don't use much of the money, and they return it to their daughter to make container money.

What the man must prepare

In addition to giving the woman three or five thousand yuan, the man only needs to prepare one or two new houses and doesn't care about anything else. If the man's family is poor and there is no dowry for the woman, the woman will also bring all the daily necessities.

On the day before marriage, the man must pay a gift to the woman. The gifts include: half or one pig, chicken, clothes or fabrics, shoes and socks of the woman's parents, brothers and sisters. All things should be put in place. A big rack should be used to carry them to the woman, so that the woman's onlookers can know what's ing at a glance. If the man's family condition is not good, he will borrow something to put on it to save face, Because all the things that went through the ceremony, except for the food, returned to the man the next day.



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