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大家在看这游戏也太真实了 绝世唐门:开局神二代,这怎么输 脑叶公司:黑昼 外挂傍身的杂草 这个训练家的宝可梦过于跳脱 影视:我在三十而已做曹贼 崩坏尘行传 穿到明朝考科举 木叶:从遇见大筒木辉夜开始 火影,开局盘点忍界影级战力 
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rubbing 拓本

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第28章 rubbing 拓本

The Classics

Despite the “bibliocaust“ in which the first emperor of the Qin dynasty (r. 221–210 BCE) burned books other than legal and essential professional texts, many works of pre-Qin literature survive, thanks to their preservation in those historical works that were spared burning. The designation of select texts as “classics“ images promoted the prestige of these early writings. These classics evolved through the accretion of mentaries, most of which interpreted earlier texts in order to legitimate given rulers or political orientations.







Since the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) the “Five Classics“ refer to a divination manual, the Classic of Changes 易经; the oldest anthology of poems, the Classic of Poetry 诗经; a collection of speeches and decrees, the Classic of Documents 书经; a historical chronicle, the Springs and Autumns 春秋; and three handbooks of rules for behavior named together as the Ritual 礼. Thanks to the invention of paper (second century BCE), these classics were carved in stone to produce rubbings and memorized by almost all educated Chinese.


divination manual「短语」占卜指南(即《易经》)

A broader sense of authoritative writings came with the fourth-century division of texts into four main categories. This taxonomy made classics primary and history secondary, followed by the “masters“(thinkers later called philosophers), and collections of belles lettres. Rich in aphorisms, lively dialogues, fables and anecdotes, texts in the “masters“ category were usually posites of later date that collected a given master's dialogues with disciples or opponents. The rubric also included professional medical, military, and religious texts, including the Daoist and Buddhist canons. Texts that would later be labeled fiction did not generally merit inclusion in any of these categories, all centrally concerned with conveying the Way.



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站内强推十日终焉 敛财人生 乱世书 烟雨楼 剑道第一仙 国民法医 逆剑狂神 小妻太水嫩:陆教授花式宠 太荒吞天诀 重生医女:军少,求放过(重生空间:首席神瞳商女) 绝世唐门 这游戏也太真实了 踏星 遮天 临高启明 重启1986 吞噬星空之亿载岁月 军婚甜蜜蜜:知青军嫂被宠上天 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 大荒镇魔使 
经典收藏红警:我的油田我的矿 开端:影视世界学才艺 迪迦本尊回归闲览人间事 斗罗:从天师府归来的霍雨浩 星际工业时代 外挂傍身的杂草 斗罗:卖宁荣荣任务卡,她退学了 我家娘子,不对劲 斗破之从微末到斗帝 影帝的诸天轮回 斗罗:复活吧,我的阿银 斗罗大陆之圣灵道 港综:从拘灵遣将开始 从姑获鸟开始 斗罗:我!荒天帝,降临武魂殿 海贼之我的搭档是艾斯德斯 斗罗之从地下城而来的鬼剑士 斗罗:重生兽神帝天,多子多福 斗罗2:我穿成了霍雨浩的亲妹妹 超神学院之我有一颗响雷果实 
最近更新长相思夭柳,九曲红尘 小结巴失忆后,被高冷队长宠翻了 和情敌网恋后,高冷酷哥你好香 胜天半子?我祁同伟只想进部! 我出生偏远的山村 港综:红色大枭雄 法环:我在幽影之地成神 宝可梦:开局一只招财喵 黏他,宠他,佣兵大佬的极致宠夫 24岁,写完开始失忆 综武:大宋逍遥侯 甄嬛传:沈眉庄霸气重生 直男捡到病娇弟弟后,被强制爱了 综漫:不知不觉深陷柴刀 心理学奥秘 hp我有个疯批哥哥 大明仙赋 【饿殍同人】良穗:现代生存指南 安陵容重生走甄嬛的路嘎了所有人 傻柱重生:从远离禽兽开始 
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