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第148章 落日余晖

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"The tide gently laps against the shore, alternately retreating and tenderly embracing the sands. Silently immersed in this wordless dialogue, they savor the freshness of the sea breeze against their faces.

As the sun gradually descends, the sky transforms into a rich spectrum, shifting from pale blue to orange-red, unfolding a magical canvas. Distant clouds, bathed in the hues of the evening glow, resemble soft feathers floating in the sky.

The man delicately clasps the woman's hand in his own, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange, conveying profound understanding. In this tranquil moment, they seem to sense the ripples within each other's souls, much like the gentle waves caressing the shoreline.

With the ebb and flow of the tide, and the residual glow of the setting sun sinking below the sea's horizon, a warm afterglow remains. They continue to sit serenely on the sand, witnessing the sun bid farewell, carrying away the day's fatigue and ushering in a new round of tranquility.

Amidst the rising and falling tides, and the gradual descent of the sun, they remain seated on the beach, silently watching as the sun sinks into the vastness of the ocean, leaving behind a serene and forting glow.

On this tranquil beach at dusk, two hearts seem to merge with the vastness of the sea, attuned to the rhythmic dance of the tides, jointly beholding the lingering radiance of the setting sun, creating a moment that is both serene and exquisite."







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