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第144章 卷6

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马龙探案卷五 之 盛怒的审判 六

约翰?J?马龙乘坐公共汽车于 9 点 23 分抵达威斯康星州的杰克逊,他是一个疲惫、炎热、衣衫不整且非常恼怒的人。结果发现每天只有一趟火车开往威斯康星州的杰克逊,而且那趟火车早上 6 点 10 分到达,途中需要换乘三次,换乘期间等待的时间从 10 分钟到 1 个小时不等。去威斯康星州的杰克逊并不比去南极夫人小美国难多少。

JOHN J. MALONE arrived by bus in Jackson, Wisconsin, at nine twenty-three, a tired, hot, rumpled, and very irritated man. It had developed that only one train a day went to Jackson, Wisconsin, and that arrived at six-ten in the morning, and involved three changes, with waits of from ten minutes to an hour on the way. Jackson, Wisconsin, was not much harder to get to than Little America.


All the way he had sustained himself by dreaming of a quiet, peaceful little town, moonlit, with wide, shadowy lawns, and a general air of serenity and calm. He stepped off the bus in front of Gollett’s drugstore to find himself in what appeared to be the middle of a circus.


Jackson’s main street was three blocks long and almost half a block wide. At the moment it was a blaze of lights that shone from store fronts and street lamps, and every available inch of space was jammed with parked cars.


The afternoon’s storm had had no permanent effect on the temperature, but only added a sticky dampness to the air. The blazing lights seemed to have attracted every flying insect within the limits of Jackson County.

有一小群人站在人行道上,看着公共汽车进站。马龙在人群中央看到了海伦,她身材高挑苗条,穿着一件白色亚麻连衣裙。当他走近她时,觉得她的脸色比平时苍白了一些。他烦躁而不准确地拍打着一只蚊子,说道:“监狱到底在哪儿?” 蚊子又飞回来了,在马龙的脖子后面悲惨地结束了生命。“就算非得开枪打治安官我也要把杰克弄出来。”

There was a little crowd standing on the sidewalk, watching the bus e in. Malone spotted Helene in the center of it, a tall, slender figure in a white linen dress. As he drew closer to her, it seemed to him that her face was a shade more pale than normal. He slapped irritably and inaccurately at a mosquito and said, “Where the hell is the jail?” The mosquito returned and came to a miserable end on the back of Malone’s neck. “I’ll get Jake out if I have to shoot the sheriff.”



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