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第99章 卷32

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“And leave you here alone? Don’t be-”


“I’ll be all right, don’t worry. Park yourself around that little corner out of sight of the stairs, and wait there until the clerk, and everyone else in the lobby, is out of the way.”


“How are you going to get them, out of the lobby?”


“That’s my business. You tend to your own knitting. Whatever happens, don’t pay any attention to what I may do, no matter what it is. Understand?”


He nodded, hoping for the best, but knowing he wouldn’t get it.


“As soon as the coast is clear, head for the street and start as fast as you can for that corner where we’re to meet Malone. I’ll join you there in five minutes.”


“Helene, what are you going to do?”

“你很快就会知道的,” 她不祥地说。

“You’ll find out,” she said ominously.

“我就怕我会知道。” 他说。他把盒子夹在胳膊下,继续下楼,站在二楼角落的阴影里。他刚躲到角落里,就听到一个声音,让他的血液都凝固了。海伦在楼上几层正尖叫着。他的冲动是扔掉盒子,跑去帮她。但他没有这么做。在最初的可怕时刻之后,他发现尖叫声中有一丝虚假。

“I’m afraid I will,” he said. He tucked the box under his arm, went on down the stairs, and stood in the shadows of the corner. He had barely reached its shelter when a sound froze the blood in his veins. A few floors above Helene was screaming at the top of her voice. His impulse was to drop the box and run to her aid. He didn’t obey it. After the first terrible moment, he detected something just a trifle phony in the scream.


The inhabitants of the lobby, however, heard no phony note. Standing in the shadows, Jake heard the elevator shoot upward. Running footsteps sounded on the stairs. As they died away he looked around the corner, saw no one, went cautiously down the stairs to the lobby. No one was in sight. He walked quickly across the lobby and onto the sidewalk and started toward Van Buren Street.



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站内强推全球高武 十日终焉 剑来 蛊真人 四合院:垂钓诸天万物 小师妹明明超强却过分沙雕 天海仙途 带着战略仓库回大唐 赤心巡天 全能ACE,我在选秀节目杀疯了 长生不死,从洞天福地开始 永不解密 带着农场混异界 兽世娇宠:穿书后我成了万人迷 合欢宗剑仙 灾变卡皇 魅魔男娘,大姐姐们都想感化我 南枝别意琛琛既 将夜 苟在神鬼世界当武神 
经典收藏开局选择重启地府 舰娘之神奇提督 诡异恐怖?贫道左雷右法加请神! 神秘让我强大 永恒荣耀 灵异志1 蚌阴村怪谈集 精灵之沙暴君王 酆都之子 我那早逝的亡夫又回来了 恐怖高校 佛寺修行十六年,出山已无敌 规则怪谈:开局化身逼兜战神 做个好梦嘻嘻 有间书屋 神仙姐姐萌萌哒 入侵里世界 盗笔,那个白切黑猫猫是平遗憾哦 诡异降临,狂印冥钞的我无敌了 惊悚游戏:女鬼们的软饭?真香! 
最近更新诡异入侵之废墟重建 民国僵尸鬼事 轮回神塔,靠提示杀穿副本 惊!摆摊算命的是玄学老祖2 天官赐福,摸金诡谈 恐怖时代,从成为守墓人开始 直播判案:我是个地狱判官 一百个人性短故事 盗墓:我在盗笔扮妖精 那天我成了一名线人 辽西夜行人 诡异求生:我,戏命师,向死而生 梦魇绝城 我的读者是厉鬼 重生后季小姐让渣男悔不当初 重生古代之纨绔逆袭 一眉道师 老六道士的奇行录 逃生惊魂 盗墓不再炸墓后,终于有钱了 
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