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大家在看斗破苍穹之至高真神 四合院:原本只想当个小透明 偷星九月天里的超能力者 诸天修仙:从凡人开始 神兵小将之北冥守护者 斗破:我云山,拥有人生模拟器 在崩坏出现的奥特曼 火影,开局盘点忍界影级战力 雷杰多奥特曼之光暗同体 成神风暴 
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Below is a list of the ideas and suggestions. Please note that they are suggestions and it is up to the Owners and the Admin Team to determine what changes will be implemented in the new season.

More Focus on the Resources Worlds

Resources worlds are one of the key features that makes Survival unique. Under the current economy, the resources worlds didn’t get the attention they deserve since fishing is the fastest and safest way to make money, which can be easily done on the plot. Now it’s time to introduce changes and bring the attention back to the resources worlds. Encouraging the explorations in and interactions with the resources world will make the gameplay more interesting and set it apart from the experience on other servers.

Making mob drops sellable to /shop.

This gives motivations to find spawners and to make mob farms in the resources world. This encourages exploration and petition since the same spawner can be found by multiple people, and mob farms can be found by others too if they aren’t hidden.

Price Suggestion:

Blaze rod: 60, String: 10, Spider eye: 20, Bone: 10, Arrow: 10, Rotten flesh: 10.(Spawner mobs)

Raw steak: 50, Leather: 50, Raw porkchop: 50, Raw mutton:50, Wool:15, Raw rabbit: 50, Rabbit hide: 50, Rabbit foot: 200, Raw chicken: 10, feather: 5, egg: 1.5 (chickens can be farmed on plots so the prices should be much lower.)

Increase the selling price of ores.

The price for all ores except for diamond and emerald should be doubled (Nether Quartz 56, Coal 20, Iron 80, Redstone 100, Gold 120, Lapis 120, Diamond 400, Emerald 1000). The current prices (Nether Quartz 28, Coal 10, Iron 40, Redstone 50, Gold 60, Lapis 60, Diamond 400, Emerald 1000) are low for most ores which makes mining less profitable than other fishing or farming even though it requires more skill. The new price better reflects the difficulty of getting ores, which requires finding caves, mining skills, and, in many cases, silk touch tools.



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站内强推大奉打更人 我不是戏神 超神机械师 四合院:垂钓诸天万物 我就是传奇 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 蛊真人 首富从盲盒开始 天骄战纪 镇守藏经阁百年,投资天命反派 我的模拟长生路 领主降临:诸神璀璨时代 四合院,融合万物,耕耘四九城 带着农场混异界 洪荒之最强天帝 全能ACE,我在选秀节目杀疯了 娘亲偷听我心声后,转头清家产 敛财人生 大夏召唤:登基后开始称霸诸天 小师妹太内卷,爆改合欢宗 
经典收藏没钱上大学的我只能去屠龙了 亚人娘补完手册 斗罗v:开局抽取青龙武魂,吊打唐三抢小舞 从召唤魅魔开始 外挂傍身的杂草 流浪者舰娘 我没看过火影啊 斗破之天宗晓梦 盗墓从黄皮子坟开始 呢喃诗章 诡秘:阿卡纳战争 斗罗V:悟性逆天,开局小舞疯狂贴贴 诸天从长津湖开始 斗罗:开局契约王冬儿,唐三急了 争霸高武 斗罗:我!荒天帝,降临武魂殿 斗罗:开局召唤雷电将军 斗罗:只想活着 斗罗:我的武魂是正义天使 从斗罗开始的武魂灵珠 
最近更新同租室友是训犬师 国运:婚配对象全是萝莉 夫人,你又变成什么样子了 低调路人甲,我在修仙界当校花 鬼灭:继国家的极恶之花 公寓里的日常生活 如何吸引一只棕兔子 你确定你写的是日记? 时光缝隙里的约定 傅诗淇你活该 大佬之路从绑定神豪系统开始 羊村守护者之喜羊羊 快穿:主神家的小狐狸又撩又疯 水浒反派:我给帝姬当笔友 豪门契约:总裁的挚爱宠妻 崩铁:背负救世之铭 太一神主之斗罗大陆 诸天:系统给我选项只为爽 斗破:请叫我鹜天帝 诸天穿梭:开局荒野断腿 
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