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大家在看斗罗大陆3龙王传说 敛财人生 元尊 斗破苍穹之至高真神 这游戏也太真实了 万界圆梦师 脑叶公司:黑昼 [综武侠]吾命将休 权游:恐怖堡的掘秘人 成神风暴 
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Reduce fishing profit

The prices of all types of fishes should be reduced to a third (Cod: 100, Salmon 270, Pufferfish 500, Tropical Fish 3330) of the current price (Cod 300, Salmon 800, Pufferfish 1500, Tropical Fish 10k). The current price for fish is the same as season 6, but season 6 had purchasable spawners. After the removal of spawners, the speed of money making by fishing is too fast pared to all the other ways and it is basically impossible to not fish and still not fall behind. Fishing also doesn’t require any set up or purchase of tools, since it’s possible to get the best rod possible from fishing. Because of that, the price of fish should be reduced.

Reduce farming profit (Or keep the profit as it is)

The prices for crops should be reduced as well, since farming is a very safe way to make money.

Price suggestion: Carrot: 1, Potato: 1, Wheat: 3, Nether Wart: 0.7, Pumpkin: 9, Melon: 1.6, Sugarcane: 1.5, Cocoa bean: 0.7.

(Current Price: Carrot: 1.13, Potato: 1.13, Wheat: 3.5, Nether Wart: 0.8, Pumpkin: 11, Melon: 2, Sugarcane: 2.1, Cocoa bean: 0.75.)

Beetroots should be sellable to shop at 1 each. Chorus fruits should be sellable to /shop at 5 each.

Harvest Hoes should be able to replant beetroots. Farming with a Harvest Hoe on a large farm should make at least slightly more money than fishing, since Harvest Hoes can only be obtained from treasure keys, and building large farms takes time, effort, and space.

Resources World Seed Change

The map seed for all resources worlds should change once every month. Currently, the seed of the overworld changes once every two weeks, and many members of the munity think it’s too often. One month will allow more exploration of the overworld and better use of what the world has to offer. On the other hand, changing the seed of the end will motivate people to keep exploring the end trying to find more end cities instead of visiting the same ones they found early in the season. This will also reduce the amount of elytras in the munity, which makes them more precious and also makes Mending enchantment more useful.



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